Where to implement local biotech innovations? A framework for multi-scalesocio-economic and environmental impact asesment of Green Bio-Refineries
时间:2018年7月12日 上午9:30-11:30
主讲人:Dr. Rong-Gang Cong
Dr. Rong-Gang Cong is currently an assistant professor at department of environmental science, Aarhus University. He received the bachelor degrees in cybernetics and management science from Nankai University, China in 2005, and Ph.D. degree in management science from Institute of policy and management, Chinese Academy of Science in 2010. His research interests include resource and environmental economics, economic behavior analysis, biodiversity evaluation, multi-agent model, mechanism design and experimental economics. He is a member of European Association of Agricultural Economics (EAAE) and European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE). He has worked as PI and leader of workingpackage for EU and national projects.
Green Bio-Refineries (GBRs) have economic and environmental potentials through changing land use from cereals to grass production and provision of grass-based protein feed for livestock production and other valuable byproducts.However, the potentials are dependent on local conditions of the GBRs, such as land productivity, environmental sensitivity and transport distances for feedstock as well as the regional economy which GBRs are a part of. In this paper, we compare the total (direct, indirect and induced) effects of different location choices of GBRs in Denmark at dfferent (municipal, regional, national) scales -a key step for decisions about development of GBRs from both investors' andauthorities' perspectives. We integrate a local life-cycle asessment (LCA), ageographic information system (GIS) analysis and an economic-environmental input-output (EEIO) based model (LINE) into a common framework (GIS-LCA-EEIO) We show that locating GBRs in Western Denmak, where the soils are primarily sandy and livestock densities are high, generates higher socio-economic gains than in Eastern Denmark, where the soils are primarily and the concentrarions of livstock are lower. We conclude by sketching out priority areas for developing GBRs and discuss the policy implications of the results within the context of development of a bio-based economy.